
    【摘要】提问是一种教学手段,更是一种教学艺术。有效的英语提问有助于激发高中英语课堂学生的学习兴趣,从而达到更好的课堂效果。本文结合学情,以“Word Power”课文教学为载体展开教学设计,进一步探索教师在提问中采取的策略和技巧,切实提高高中英语课堂提问的质量。




    本课例是高一必修1第一模块里的unit2 Word Power部分,此部分围绕“adventure”这一冒险主题,主要通过多媒体课件的形式开展学习活动,让学生观看课件并在教师的引导下自主讨论、协作学习,通过讨论,让学生充分思考如果能有机会去冒险,去哪儿,怎么去,准备一些什么。基于此,在本节课教学中着重引导学生熟练运用有关概念与词组,准确表达旅行的相关概念,并且正确认识环保的重要性。














    1.The key word: adventure

    The definition of adventure: a trip full of danger, excitement, mysteries and challenge.


    2.Where to go and what to take in our adventure holidays?

    3.Students can make a choice from three choices to have a general idea of Africa.

    Africa: the second largest continent ,vast grasslands ,black people great desert , wild animals.

    Step-2 :Word study

    1.Show students a map of Africa and show them the way of the? ?adventure holidays.

    2.What do you want to take on the adventure holidays?

    3.You can read Part A to see what your friend Colin will take on the holiday and the reason why he takes them.( fill in the table )

    And at the same time the teacher will give the picture of everything mentioned in Part A to give them the vivid impression of everything.

    4.Show them some related pictures and retell Part A according to the pictures.


    5.Questions: Do you think Colin has made good preparations for the trip? What other suggestions would you give him?注:问出联系,启发联想。

    6.Show some other useful things to students. Some words have been given on the screen.

    Such as: battery, backpack and water purifying tables. Students have guess other things by themselves.

    List some compound words: use two or more words to form a new words and have the new meaning.

    backpack; waterproof matches; digital camera; water purifying tablets;pocket knife; first aid kids.(Read these words after teacher)



    1.On the third of the adventure holiday, Colin and you get separated from the other members in the Sahara Desert.Which three of the following items are the most important for you to survive? Please order them and list the reasons.(four students in a group, and type their answers down)注:以问促辩,加深认识。

    2.Read the letter in Part C. Understand the letter first and then choose the proper words to make the letter meaningful.

    3.Now Colin was bitten by a snake, what should be included in the first aid kits? Choose the right things from the words below.

    4.In order to use these words in the first aid kits: Colin is bleeding badly, what can you do to help him and save his life?



    Make good preparations for your adventure holiday. The first aid kit is the most important thing for you and try to learn some knowledge of first aid kit before your trip. You will have an unforgettable and enjoyable holiday.



    Use the words and phrases we have just learned to write a short passage about: the preparations before travel or the attention we need to pay during travel.







    [2]张祥润.利用有效提问-激发学习兴趣[J].山西教育(教学),2019 (10):34.